• Yag Capsulotomy for Posterior Capsular Opacification

    18th March, 2014
  • Posterior Capsular Opacification

    Yag Capsulotomy Posterior Capsular Opacification

    Some people can develop a posterior capsular opacification (PCO, also called an after-cataract). The posterior capsular cells undergo hyperplasia and cellular migration, showing up as a thickening  and clouding of the posterior lens capsule (which is left behind when the cataract was removed, for placement of the IOL). This may compromise visual acuity and the ophthalmologist uses a Yag laser to safely and painlessly make small holes in the posterior lens capsule. It is an outpatient procedure.


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    I had a detached retina macula off. Had vitrectomy . At one month post op checkup, the Dr couldn't see retina cuz of dense cataract. Waited for another month for gas bubble to be gone. Did cataract surgery. 5 days after cataract surgery, did YAG laser procedure. Had to go back in for surgery 7 days after cataract surgery for macula pucker. Dr. seems reluctant to answer any of my questions. Isn't it unusual to have a cataract that quickly and am also questioning the YAG so soon after cataract surgery.

    Cataract often results after retinal/vitreous surgery the time maybe days to months post surgery