• Anterior Uveitis or Iritis

    31st March, 2014
  • Uveitis

    ( Iritis) inflammation of the uvea, which consists of the middle, pigmented, vascular structures of the eye and includes the iris, ciliary body, and choroid. Uveitis requires an urgent referral and thorough examination by an Ophthalmologist or Optometrist and urgent treatment to control the inflammation.

    Anterior Uveitis Iritis


    painful red eye

    Redness of the eye, Blurred vision, Photophobia or sensitivity to light, Irregular pupil, Eye pain, Floaters, which are dark spots that float in the visual field, Headaches.

    Posterior uveitis
    Inflammation in the back of the eye is commonly characterized by:
    Blurred Vision
    Photopsia or seeing flashing lights

    In anterior uveitis, no associated condition or syndrome is found in approximately one-half of cases. However, anterior uveitis is often one of the syndromes associated with HLA-B27. Presence this type of HLA allele has a relative risk of evolving this disease by approximately 15%.

    Uveitis is typically treated with glucocorticoid steroids, either as topical eye drops (prednisolone acetate) or as oral therapy. Prior to the administration of corticosteroids, corneal ulcers must be ruled out. This is typically done using a fluoresence dye test and the slit lamp. In addition to corticosteroids, topical cycloplegics, such as atropine or homatropine, may be used.

    Successful treatment of active uveitis increases T-regulatory cells in the eye, which likely contributes to disease regression. In some cases an injection of posterior subtenon triamcinolone acetate may also be given to reduce the swelling of the eye.

    More on Uveitis and It’s Treatments